Domotique - Computer - Electricity

Before hands, what's exactly home automation about? Is it useful?

Home automation is about integrating equipments in the house int the aim to interact between each other, in order to improve comfort, security and energy savings. Devices interact and communicate between each other to get a smart house.

This system gives you the opportunity to control lighting, shutters and curtains, heating, music, internet communication as well as alarm system. It is also possible to collect all the data and show them to a screen or app which allows an easy and remote control of your house. Shortly home automation improves your comfort, save energy and makes you feel safer at home and abroad.

Thanks to the system you can create scenes such as setting the alarm and turn off all the light and shutters with one button when you leave.

Another possibility is to simulate a presence, which is used when you aren't home to dissuade thieves comnig. This system can also be change and improve easily over the years according to your needs.

Which protocol should you choose and why did we choose KNX?

KNX system is the only protocol whi is worldwide and normalised under ISO protocol (International Standardisation Organisation). It has been created in 1987 by several european manufacturers into energy and building techniques. Nowadays it used by hundreds manufacturers with a huge range of devices and possibilities. It allows you not to be link with one and only manufacturer which guarantees a long life of the system. The advantage is to choose the product that fits you best in a preselection we can make for you. And later on can be replaced by a product in any brand available. I.e. the product isn't available in the brand you first bought it, you can just look for another manufacturer with the knx protocol.

With KNX it isn't necessary to own a centralised control. Each device is connected to the bus knx and has its own microprocessor which manage communication into the network. Each device is able to send or receive messages (in the system  they are called telegrams). Which means that even if one device is deffective the remaining installation can still work.

KNX also supports different types of transmission such as twisted pair, radiofrequency, IP/LAN. It gives more possibilities, especially in case of renovation.

Finally, by using KNX, you really give yourself the opportunity to evolve in future in your house. You can always start with the basics and add features later on.


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