You are an electrician, programmer, a fitter or simply a lover of high technologies?
This training is for you! First part is the theorical lesson and second part is the pratical lesson with the implementation of a fake project in ETS software as well as the diagnostic of telegrams on the bus.
To subscribe to our future training please fill the form:
You are an electrician, programmer, a fitter or simply a lover of high technologies?
This training is for you! It resumes the various aspects of the KNX programmation through ETS. This is divided in two steps, first part is the theorical lesson and second part is the pratical lesson with the implementation of a fake project on ETS software as well as the diagnostic of telegrams on the bus.
This training is held over 4 days plus an extra day with the exam in our own training center. In case of success you will receive an aggregation to become a KNX Partner which gives you the authorization to use KNX logo.
Covered chapters:
This training is for fitters that have been certified at basic training and have experience on the field. It is heavier training with many application developed.
To subscribe follow this link:
You are an electrician, programmer, a fitter or simply a lover of high technologies?
This training is for you! First part is the theorical lesson and second part is the pratical lesson with the implementation of a fake project in ETS software as well as the diagnostic of telegrams on the bus.